Layers samples
In this section you'll find a series of explained layer structures so you can better understand their functionality and properties.

Sample 1 (A simple Peony effect)

This is the structure of a simple Peony effect.

In this sample you can see only one layer (200 stars) that is Sub Layer of the root node.
When we have a structure like this, we will only process this unique layer and shoot it as you draw it.
See the Create your first Effect section for a full sample of this schema.

Sample 2 (A double color peony, 1 color for each half)

In this sample you can see 2 layers sons of the root node.
As these layers are Main Layers they will be processed by our engine at the same time. This means that they will shoot together.
In this sample, we will assign 2 different colors (1 for each layer) to achieve the desired effect.

Sample 3 (A Roman Candle 5 shots, 1 every second)

With this sample, we make another step in understanding layers.
We said that all the Main Layers are processed by our engine at the same time. So, how can you achieve the goal of having a great Roman Candle or a chain of Shells ?

The Delay Layer together with the Repeat Layer will help with this. In this schema what we are saying to the engine is this:
-Repeat 5 times the following:
---Shoot a comet
---Wait 1 second

-...And so on until the Last Shot

Delay and Repeat layers are used to create a succession of timed effects; comets, mines, shells.

Sample 4 (A mine with crossettes)

In this sample you can see 2 layers.

The difference between this structure and the previous ones is that in this we have a layer that is not a Sub Layer of the root node.

What will happen with this ?

The engine will first shoot the "7 Comets" layer and then, when these 7 stars reach their end point (and physically die out), for each one of them, the engine will shoot, from their end point, "4 stars as crossettes " creating the crossette effect.

Sample 5 (A Color change, introducing Behaviors)

In this sample you can see 2 layers.


We are only applying a behavior to the "100 stars" layer.
This means that the "100 star" layers is like a Sub Layer of the root node but we apply to it a color change behavior (so it will change colors)


See understanding behaviors for more information


Sample 6 (Peony Strobing and changing color - A stack of behaviors)

As we said in the last sample, behavior layers do not affect the starting point of a layer.

What we are doing with this sample is showing you that you can create a chain of behaviors (actually stack them) to achieve the goal of your final effect.

In this sample, we say that our 100 stars must be "strobing" and they have to "Change Color"

See understanding behaviors for more information

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