Reports: Overview

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Reports: Overview

Show Director creates various simple pre-defined Reports and Summaries.

Reports are Lists of all the data contained in the Script and Effects Manager, with the applied Filter, and with predetermined sorts, following the order of the columns from left to right.
Summaries are tables with computed information about Caliber use, by subtotals or for each individual item. In the lower tool bar there is a summary of Cost for each Price category, that you can update by pressing F8.

The Reports and Summaries open in a separate control window that you can leave open to check as you script the show, or send it to Windows toolbar. The window has navigational controls, page by page, zoom in and zoom out.

You may also save the report in a large variety of file formats, if you want to open it in another application like Excel, Word, etc., to edit the format, alter the order of the columns, sort it in a different way, apply other calculations or perform an enhanced printing.

If you require a more complete reporting, you can:

- Import the .scx or .efx files (a mdb format) into Microsoft's ACCESS database program.
- Export the whole Script or Effects Manager as a .csv file, open it with Microsot's EXCEL or other spreadsheet/database application.

Show Director exports to a variety of formats that can be treated in other third party applications.

For Custom Reports with the SD Tools Plugin go here


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