Susan Hunt

Susan Hunt

Susan has over 20 years of experience working with Infinity Visions, as well as with sales and marketing of Show Director software and Pyrodigital firing systems. She comes from a background of international experience in professional theater and live entertainment, both as an event organizer and director, and as a performer. Some of her Educational background includes;  Major in Psychology UC San Diego, focus on Primatology Research including studies at University of Washington, San Diego Zoo, and field research.  Professional Clown studies at Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Clown College, USA.  Advanced Theater studies at Jacques Lecoq School of Mime, Movement and Theater in Paris, France.  Some Professional career highlights, among numerous international theatrical accomplishments; Performed with Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus. Created and performed for 10 years with the award winning and internationally acclaimed French Comedy Theater Troupe L’InstitutCreated and served as President of the European Jugglers Festival Association and Festival Organizer. Served as Co-Producer and Entertainment/Event Organizer with the Spanish Multimedia company, Sinaptica. Worked with the Spanish traveling theatrical/ musical production Mercados Medievales. Program Organizer and Teacher of Spanish, French and Circus Arts classes in the US.

These are only a few of her credits earned before forming Infinity Visions, Inc. Susan speaks English, French, and Spanish fluently.

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