Make Position Line

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Make Position Line

This tool is used to make a polyline of positions. the positions can be on the polyline vertexes or between them, depending on the options that are set numerically inside the “Tool Options” panel.

These are this tool’s options

The “Position Format String” has the same settings as the “Make Position Array” tool.

The Type of Creation section establishes the kind of polyline to create.

The “Simple Lines” option lets you create a standard polyline where each position is on a vertex of the polyline itself.

Add new vertices to any polyline by the left-clicking inside any 2-D viewport (top, left or front), Terminate the position set by right-clicking.

Use the “Lazo” option to create a standard polyline where each position can be on any point of the polyline.

With the “Lazo” option, you set the number of positions to create on the polyline, and the application will compute the exact point of all the positions on the polyline the number in the count field.

The “Measured” option allows you to create a standard polyline where each position is created incrementally based on the number entered in the “Measure” field, in meters, on the polyline.

The Vectors Creation section has the same meaning shown in the previous tools. .

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