Import / Export Cues

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This is one of the most powerful functions of Show Director. You can use it to create macro scripts and design sequences that you can easily add to any new script.

Import and Export cues Show Director feature works together and in conjunction with Script Filter Manager option.

A Filter is a part of the Script.
It could be a large number of cues corresponding to a song, or several cues for a particular sequence.
The filter can be more specific than only cues.
You can filter by any entry in the Script. If you want to use a song without certain positions, calibers or products, you can filter it.


  1. First create a Filter name in the Script Filter Manager. Make the selection of values for every column.
  2. Select the Filter in the Drop down menu. The Script will show only the Filtered Cues.
  3. Select Export Cues in the Cues Menu or click in the Icon
  4. Follow directions in the Save Menu. A new Script file will be created for the Filtered Cues.

Once you have exported the cues or you have another script you can use and import in different projects.


  1. Select the Cue or Cue Selection where you want your Script (filtered)
  2. Select Import Cues in the Cues Menu or click in the Icon
  3. Choose the File to Import
  4. The imported Script with cues will be inserted in the Cue or in every Cue of your selection.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Write EPub books for the iPad